SB249,41,722 (b) Oath. Before performing his or her duties, each special voting deputy
23appointed under par. (a) shall file the oath required by s. 7.30 (5). In the oath, the
24individual shall swear that he or she is qualified to act as a deputy under this section,
25that he or she has read the statutes governing absentee voting, that he or she

1understands the proper absentee voting procedure, that he or she understands the
2penalties for noncompliance with the procedure under s. 12.13, that his or her sacred
3obligation will be to fully and fairly implement the absentee voting law and seek to
4have the intent of the electors ascertained. In addition, the oath shall state that the
5individual realizes that any error in conducting the voting procedure may result in
6invalidation of an elector's vote under s. 7.51 (2) (e) and that the individual realizes
7that absentee voting is a privilege and not a constitutional right.
SB249,41,118 (c) Term of office. Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, each special
9voting deputy appointed under par. (a) shall hold office for 2 years and until his or
10her successor is appointed and qualified. The municipal clerk or board of election
11commissioners may revoke a special voting deputy's appointment at any time.
SB249,42,212 (d) Authority and duties. For the purpose of ensuring compliance with this
13section and s. 6.285, each special voting deputy appointed under par. (a) has
14supervision over the satellite absentee voting station to which he or she is dispatched
15under sub. (3) (a). The special voting deputy is subject to the supervision of the
16municipal clerk or board of election commissioners. The special voting deputy has
17full authority to maintain order and to enforce obedience to his or her lawful
18commands at any time during which absentee ballots may be cast at the voting
19station. The special voting deputy shall prevent any person from taking notice of how
20another person has voted, except when assistance is given under s. 6.87 (5). The
21special voting deputy shall enforce s. 5.35 (5) and shall prevent electioneering from
22taking place in violation of s. 12.03 (1m) or (2m). If any person refuses to obey the
23lawful commands of a special voting deputy, is disorderly in the presence or hearing
24of the special voting deputy, or interrupts or disturbs the proceedings, the special

1voting deputy may order any law enforcement officer to remove the person from the
2voting area or to take the person into custody.
SB249,42,10 3(3) Operation of satellite absentee voting stations. (a) Operation. The
4municipal clerk or board of election commissioners may dispatch a special voting
5deputy appointed under sub. (2) to a satellite absentee voting station designated
6under sub. (1) for the purpose of permitting qualified electors of the municipality to
7vote by absentee ballot at that voting station. No satellite absentee voting station
8may be open for purposes of this subsection or s. 6.285 at any time before the official
9absentee ballots for the applicable election are prepared under s. 7.15 (1) (cm) or at
10any time after 5 p.m. on the day before the election.
SB249,42,2111 (b) Supplies for satellite absentee voting stations. The board shall prescribe a
12special certificate envelope for use only at satellite absentee voting stations which
13shall include the notation "Identification submitted," followed by a space for the
14signature of the special voting deputy to whom the identification was submitted. The
15municipal clerk or board of election commissioners shall issue a supply of absentee
16ballots and special certificate envelopes to the special voting deputy that is sufficient
17to provide for the number of valid applications that the clerk or board of election
18commissioners reasonably expects will be made at the satellite absentee voting
19station. The municipal clerk or board of election commissioners shall keep a careful
20record of all ballots issued to the deputy and shall require the deputy to return every
21ballot that he or she is issued.
SB249,43,822 (c) Registration list. Except as provided in pars. (b) and (c), each registration
23list prepared for use at a satellite absentee voting station shall contain the full name
24and address of each registered elector; if the list is prepared for use at an election for
25national office, an indication next to the name of each elector for whom identification

1is required under s. 6.36 (2); and a form of certificate bearing the certification of the
2executive director of the board stating that the list is a true and complete registration
3list of the municipality for which the list is prepared. Identification is required if the
4elector is not a military elector or an overseas elector and the elector registers by mail
5and has not previously voted in an election for national office in this state. The names
6and identification serial numbers of electors who have obtained a confidential listing
7under s. 6.47 (2) shall appear separately after the remainder of the list. These names
8and serial numbers shall be arranged alphabetically by last name.
SB249,43,10 9(4) Absentee voting procedure. (a) Registration. A qualified elector may
10register under s. 6.285 (2) at the satellite absentee voting station.
SB249,43,1311 (b) Eligibility. Any qualified elector of the municipality that designates a
12satellite absentee voting station under sub. (1) may vote by absentee ballot at the
13voting station.
SB249,43,2114 (c) Identification. If identification is required under sub. (3) (c), the special
15voting deputy shall require the elector to provide identification. If identification is
16provided, the deputy shall verify that the name and address on the identification
17provided is the same as the name and address shown on the registration list or
18registration form submitted by the elector and shall sign the certificate envelope
19indicating that identification was submitted and verified. If identification is
20required and not provided, the deputy shall offer the opportunity for the elector to
21vote under s. 6.97.
SB249,43,2522 (d) Voting procedure. 1. The special voting deputy shall enter a unique voting
23number after the name of each elector who votes under this section on the
24registration list or, if the elector's name does not appear on the list, on a separate list
25maintained under this subsection beginning with the number one.
12. If the registration list indicates that the elector is ineligible to vote because
2the elector's name appears on the current list provided by the department of
3corrections under s. 301.03 (20), the deputy shall inform the elector of this fact. If
4the elector maintains that he or she is eligible to vote in the election, the deputy shall
5provide the elector with a ballot and, after the elector casts his or her vote, shall
6challenge the ballot in the same manner as provided for inspectors making
7challenges under s. 6.92 and shall treat the ballot in the same manner as provided
8for treatment of challenged ballots by inspectors under s. 6.95.
SB249,44,159 3. The deputy shall than personally offer a qualified elector of the municipality,
10served by the deputy, who makes a proper application with the deputy the
11opportunity to cast his or her absentee ballot. The deputy shall write on the official
12ballot, in the space for the official endorsement, his or her initials and official title.
13The elector and a witness shall then make and subscribe to the certification on the
14certificate envelope and the elector shall vote the ballot in the manner prescribed in
15s. 6.87 (4).
SB249,44,1716 4. The elector may receive assistance in marking the ballot as provided in s.
176.87 (5).
SB249,44,2418 5. Notwithstanding s. 6.87 (4), the elector shall then seal the ballot inside the
19certificate envelope and give the sealed certificate envelope containing the ballot in
20an absentee ballot carrier envelope and shall promptly deliver the envelope to the
21deputy. The deputy shall place the sealed certificate envelope containing each ballot
22in an absentee ballot carrier envelope and shall promptly deliver the envelope to the
23municipal clerk or board of election commissioners in the manner specified by the
24municipal clerk or board of election commissioners.
1(e) Challenge. Any elector may challenge for cause any person offering to cast
2an absentee ballot at a satellite absentee voting station whom the elector knows or
3suspects is not a qualified elector. The special voting deputy shall treat the challenge
4in the same manner as provided for inspectors making challenges under ss. 6.925,
56.94, and 6.95.
SB249, s. 62 6Section 62. 6.88 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB249,45,167 6.88 (1) When an absentee ballot arrives at the office of the municipal clerk,
8the clerk shall enclose it, unopened, in a carrier envelope which shall be securely
9sealed and endorsed with the name and official title of the clerk, and the words "This
10envelope contains the ballot of an absent elector and must be opened at the polls
11during polling hours on election day
a meeting of the municipal board of canvassers
12under s. 7.52
". If the ballot was received by the elector by facsimile transmission or
13electronic mail and is accompanied by a separate certificate, the clerk shall enclose
14the ballot in a certificate envelope and securely append the completed certificate to
15the outside of the envelope before enclosing the ballot in the carrier envelope. The
16clerk shall keep the ballot in the clerk's office until delivered, as required in sub. (2).
SB249, s. 63 17Section 63. 6.88 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB249,46,218 6.88 (2) When an absentee ballot is received by the municipal clerk prior to the
19delivery of the official ballots to the election officials of the ward in which the elector
municipal board of canvassers, the municipal clerk shall seal the ballot
21envelope in the carrier envelope as provided under sub. (1), and shall enclose the
22envelope in a package and deliver the package to the election inspectors of the proper
23ward or election district. When the official ballots for the ward or election district
24have been delivered to the election officials before the receipt of an absentee ballot,
25the clerk shall immediately enclose the envelope containing the absentee ballot in

1a carrier envelope as provided under sub. (1) and deliver it in person to the proper
2election officials
municipal board of canvassers when it convenes under s. 7.52.
SB249, s. 64 3Section 64. 6.88 (3) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 7.52 (3) and amended to
SB249,47,25 7.52 (3) Any time between the opening and closing of the polls on election day,
6the inspectors
The board of canvassers shall first open the carrier envelope only, and
7announce the name of the absent elector or the identification serial number of the
8absent elector if the elector has a confidential listing under s. 6.47 (2). When the
9inspectors find board of canvassers finds that the certification has been properly
10executed, the applicant is a qualified elector of the ward or election district, and the
11applicant has not voted in the election, they the board of canvassers shall enter an
12indication on the poll list next to the applicant's name indicating an absentee ballot
13is cast by the elector. They The board of canvassers shall then open the envelope
14containing the ballot in a manner so as not to deface or destroy the certification
15thereon. The inspectors board of canvassers shall take out the ballot without
16unfolding it or permitting it to be unfolded or examined. Unless the ballot is cast
17under s. 6.95, the inspectors board of canvassers shall verify that the ballot has been
18endorsed by the issuing clerk or special voting deputy. If the poll list indicates that
19identification is required and no identification is enclosed or the name or address on
20the document that is provided is not the same as the name and address shown on the
21poll list, the inspectors or if the ballot was cast under s. 6.873 and the envelope does
22not contain the signature of the special voting deputy to whom identification was
23provided, the board of canvassers
shall proceed as provided under s. 6.97 (2). The
24inspectors board of canvassers shall then deposit the ballot into the proper ballot box
25and enter the absent elector's name or voting poll list number after his or her name

1on the poll list in the same manner as if the elector had been present and voted in
SB249, s. 65 3Section 65. 6.88 (3) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 6.88 (3).
SB249, s. 66 4Section 66. 6.93 (title) of the statutes is repealed.
SB249, s. 67 5Section 67. 6.93 of the statutes is renumbered 7.52 (5) and amended to read:
SB249,47,96 7.52 (5) The vote of any absent elector may be challenged for cause and the
7inspectors of election municipal board of canvassers shall have all the power and
8authority given them the inspectors to hear and determine the legality of the ballot
9the same as if the ballot had been voted in person.
SB249, s. 68 10Section 68. 6.935 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB249,47,14 116.935 Challenge based on incompetency. Section 6.03 (3) applies to any
12challenge of a person's right to vote under s. 6.92, 6.925 or 6.93 7.52 (5) based on an
13allegation that an elector is incapable of understanding the objective of the elective
14process and thereby ineligible to vote.
SB249, s. 69 15Section 69. 6.97 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB249,48,2216 6.97 (1) Whenever any individual who is required to provide identification in
17order to be permitted to vote appears to vote at a polling place or satellite absentee
18voting station
and cannot provide the required identification, or the individual has
19not provided identification as provided in s. 7.52 (3),
the inspectors shall offer the
20opportunity for the individual to vote under this section. If the individual wishes to
21vote, the inspectors shall provide the elector with an envelope marked "Ballot under
22s. 6.97, stats.," on which the serial number of the elector is entered and shall require
23the individual to execute on the envelope a written affirmation stating that the
24individual is a qualified elector of the ward or election district where he or she offers
25to vote and is eligible to vote in the election. The inspectors shall, before giving the

1elector a ballot, write on the back of the ballot the serial number or registration list
2number under s. 6.873 (4) (d) 1.
of the individual corresponding to the number kept
3at the election on the poll list or registration list or other list maintained under s. 6.79
4or s. 6.873 (4) (d) 1. and the notation "s. 6.97". If voting machines are used in the
5municipality where the individual is voting, the individual's vote may be received
6only upon an absentee ballot furnished by the municipal clerk which shall have the
7corresponding number from the poll list or other list maintained under s. 6.79 (2) (c),
8or the registration list if the elector is voting under s. 6.873 (4),
and the notation "s.
96.97" written on the back of the ballot by the inspectors or special voting deputy
10before the ballot is given to the elector. When receiving the individual's ballot, the
11inspectors or special voting deputy shall provide the individual with written voting
12information prescribed by the board under s. 7.08 (8). The inspectors or special
13voting deputy
shall indicate on the list the fact that the individual is required to
14provide identification but did not do so. The inspectors or special voting deputy shall
15notify the individual that he or she may provide identification to the municipal clerk
16or executive director of the municipal board of election commissioners. The
17inspectors or special voting deputy shall also promptly notify the municipal clerk or
18executive director of the name, address, and either the serial number or, if voting
19under s. 6.873 (4), the registration list number
of the individual. The inspectors or
20special voting deputy
shall then place the ballot inside the certificate envelope on
21which the elector's serial number or registration list number has been entered
22place the that envelope in a separate carrier envelope.
SB249, s. 70 23Section 70. 6.97 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB249,49,1124 6.97 (2) Whenever any individual who votes by absentee ballot is required to
25provide identification in order to be permitted to vote and does not provide the

1required identification, the inspectors municipal board of canvassers shall write on
2the back of the absentee ballot the serial number of the individual corresponding to
3the number kept at the election on the poll list or other list maintained under s. 6.79
4and the notation "s. 6.97". The inspectors board of canvassers shall indicate on the
5poll list the fact that the individual is required to provide identification but did not
6do so. The inspectors board of canvassers shall promptly notify the municipal clerk
7or executive director of the municipal board of election commissioners of the name,
8address, and serial poll list number of the individual. The inspectors board of
shall then place the ballot inside an envelope on which the name and
10serial number of the elector is entered and shall place the envelope in a separate
11carrier envelope.
SB249, s. 71 12Section 71. 7.03 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB249,49,2413 7.03 (1) (a) Except as authorized under this paragraph, a reasonable daily
14compensation shall be paid to each inspector, voting machine custodian, automatic
15tabulating equipment technician, member of a board of canvassers, messenger, and
16tabulator who is employed and performing duties under chs. 5 to 12. Daily
17compensation shall also be provided to officials inspectors and inspector trainees for
18attendance at training programs conducted by the board under s. 7.31. Alternatively,
19such election officials and trainees may be paid by the hour at a proportionate rate
20for each hour actually worked. Any election official or trainee may choose to
21volunteer his or her services by filing with the municipal clerk of the municipality
22in which he or she serves a written declination to accept compensation. The
23volunteer status of the election official or trainee remains effective until the official
24or trainee files a written revocation with the municipal clerk.
SB249, s. 72 25Section 72. 7.03 (1) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
17.03 (1) (d) Except as otherwise provided in par. (a), special registration
2deputies appointed under s. 6.285 (1) or 6.55 (6), special voting deputies appointed
3under s. 6.873 (2) or 6.875 (4), and officials and trainees who attend training sessions
4under s. 7.15 (1) (e) or, 7.25 (5), and 7.31 may also be compensated by the municipality
5where they serve at the option of the municipality. Employees of the department of
6transportation who are designated as special registration deputies under s. 6.28 (4)
7shall serve without additional compensation.
SB249, s. 73 8Section 73. 7.08 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB249,50,139 7.08 (1) (c) Prescribe forms required by ss. 5.35 (6) (b) and (c), 6.24 (3) and (4),
106.30 (4), 6.33 (1) and (1m) (a), 6.36 (1) (b) 1. am., 6.40 (1) (a), 6.47 (1) (a) 2. and (3),
116.55 (2) and (3), and 6.86 (2) and (3), and 6.873 (3) (b). All such forms shall contain
12a statement of the penalty applicable to false or fraudulent registration or voting
13through use of the form. Forms are not required to be furnished by the board.
SB249, s. 74 14Section 74. 7.08 (9) of the statutes is created to read:
SB249,50,1615 7.08 (9) Municipal maps. From the appropriation under s. 20.510 (1) (e) or (x),
16pay for the cost of municipal maps that are required to be posted under s. 5.35 (6) (c).
SB249, s. 75 17Section 75. 7.16 of the statutes is created to read:
SB249,51,2 187.16 Election day plans. (1) With the advice of the board, each municipal
19clerk and board of election commissioners shall transmit for the approval of each
20municipal governing body, a proposed plan for the administration of the election in
21the municipality. The plan shall be transmitted at least 60 days before each regularly
22scheduled election and at least 35 days before each special election that is not held
23concurrently with a regularly scheduled election, regardless of whether the election
24has been scheduled by the municipality. The governing body shall review and
25approve a plan for this purpose no later than 42 days before each regularly scheduled

1election and no later than 21 days before each special election that is not held
2concurrently with a regularly scheduled election.
SB249,51,3 3(2) Each plan under sub. (1) shall include the following elements:
SB249,51,54 (a) The methods to be used by the municipality for preelection education of
5electors concerning voting eligibility and procedures.
SB249,51,76 (b) The methods that the municipality intends to use to ensure adequate
7staffing for preelection activities and activities on election day.
SB249,51,98 (c) The measures that the municipality will use to ensure the orderly and
9efficient flow of electors at each polling place in the municipality.
SB249,51,1210 (d) A reasonable projection of voter turnout at the election in the municipality
11and contingency plans that the municipality will use to address any turnout that
12significantly exceeds the projection.
SB249,51,1413 (e) The management controls that the municipality will use to ensure
14accountable and orderly processes at the election.
SB249,51,1615 (f) The specific procedure that the municipality will use to conduct the
16postelection review required under s. 7.18.
SB249, s. 76 17Section 76. 7.17 of the statutes is created to read:
SB249,51,21 187.17 Waiting time for voting. Each municipality shall implement
19procedures to attempt to ensure that no elector who appears to vote at a polling place
20for any election to be held in the municipality is required to wait more than 30
21minutes before being permitted to vote.
SB249, s. 77 22Section 77. 7.18 of the statutes is created to read:
SB249,52,6 237.18 Postelection performance reviews. After each election, including
24each primary and special election, that is held in a municipality, each municipal clerk
25and board of election commissioners shall conduct a postelection performance review

1of the processes that the municipality used to conduct the election. The review shall
2include an analysis of whether all relevant laws were complied with, an assessment
3of whether the municipality achieved the goal under s. 7.17 to ensure a maximum
4waiting time of 30 minutes at polling places and if not, how the goal can be achieved
5at the next comparable election, and any steps that the municipality must take to
6improve the administration of the next election to be held in the municipality.
SB249, s. 78 7Section 78. 7.30 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 7.30 (1) (a) and amended to
SB249,53,29 7.30 (1) (a) There Except as required under par. (b) at the general election,
shall be 7 inspectors for each polling place at each election. In Except as
11required under par. (b), in
municipalities where voting machines are used, the
12municipal governing body may reduce the number of inspectors to 5. A municipal
13governing body may provide for the appointment of additional inspectors whenever
14more than one voting machine is used or wards are combined under s. 5.15 (6) (b).
15A municipal governing body may provide by ordinance for the selection of alternate
16officials or the selection
of 2 or more sets of officials to work at different times on
17election day, and may permit the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners
18to establish different working hours for different officials assigned to the same
19polling place. Alternate Each municipality shall also provide by ordinance for the
20selection of alternate
officials shall also be appointed in a number sufficient to
21provide at least one alternate at each polling place and as otherwise needed to
22maintain adequate staffing of polling places. Unless at each election. Except for
23inspectors who are appointed under par. (b) and
officials who are are appointed
24without regard to party affiliation under sub. (4) (c), additional officials shall be
25appointed in such a manner that the total number of officials is an odd number and

1the predominant party under sub. (2) is represented by one more official than the
2other party.
SB249, s. 79 3Section 79. 7.30 (1) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
SB249,53,94 7.30 (1) (b) Each municipality shall at every general election and may at any
5other election appoint one additional inspector to serve at each polling place without
6regard to party affiliation who shall serve as a greeter to answer questions and to
7direct electors to the proper locations for registration and voting and who shall be
8available to substitute for other election officials who must leave the room during the
9voting process.
SB249, s. 80 10Section 80. 7.30 (2) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 2005 Wisconsin Act ....
11(Assembly Bill 61), is amended to read:
SB249,54,1412 7.30 (2) (a) Only election officials appointed under this section or s. 6.873 or
may conduct an election. Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph and
14in s. 7.15 (1) (k), each election official shall be a qualified elector of the ward or wards,
15or the election district, for which the polling place is established. A special
16registration deputy who is appointed under s. 6.55 (6) or an election official who is
17appointed under this section to fill a vacancy under par. (b) need not be a resident
18of the ward or wards, or the election district, but shall be a resident of the
19municipality, except that if a municipal clerk or deputy clerk serves as a registration
20deputy or is appointed to fill a vacancy under par. (b), the clerk or deputy clerk need
21not be a resident of the municipality, but shall be a resident of the state. No more
22than 2 individuals holding the office of clerk or deputy clerk may serve without
23regard to municipal residency in any municipality at any election. Special
24registration deputies who are appointed under s. 6.55 (6) may be appointed to serve
25more than one polling place. All officials appointed under this section shall be able

1to read and write the English language, be capable, and be of good understanding,
2and may not be a candidate for any office to be voted for at an election at which they
3serve. In 1st class cities, they may hold no public office other than notary public.
4Except as required under sub. (1) (b) and as authorized under sub. (4) (c), all
5inspectors shall be affiliated with one of the 2 recognized political parties which
6received the largest number of votes for president, or governor in nonpresidential
7general election years, in the ward or combination of wards served by the polling
8place at the last election. The Excluding the inspector who is appointed under sub.
9(1) (b), the
party which received the largest number of votes is entitled to one more
10inspector than the party receiving the next largest number of votes at each polling
11place. The same election Election officials appointed under this section may serve
12the electors of more than one ward where wards are combined under s. 5.15 (6) (b).
13If a municipality is not divided into wards, the ward requirements in this paragraph
14apply to the municipality at large.
SB249, s. 81 15Section 81. 7.30 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB249,55,216 7.30 (2) (b) When a vacancy occurs in an office under this section, the vacancy
17shall be filled by appointment of the municipal clerk. The vacancy shall be filled from
18the remaining names on the lists submitted under sub. (4) or from additional names
19submitted by the chairperson of the county party committee of the appropriate party
20under sub. (4) whenever names are submitted under sub. (4) (d). If the vacancy is
21due to candidacy, sickness or any other temporary cause, the appointment shall be
22a temporary appointment and effective only for the election at which the temporary
23vacancy occurs. The same qualifications shall be required of persons who fill
24vacancies. Vacancies may be filled in cases of emergency or because of time

1limitations by a person from another aldermanic district or ward within the
SB249, s. 82 3Section 82. 7.30 (2) (b) of the statutes, as affected by 2005 Wisconsin Act ....
4(Assembly Bill 61), is amended to read:
SB249,55,195 7.30 (2) (b) When a vacancy occurs, the vacancy shall be filled by appointment
6of the municipal clerk. The Unless the vacancy occurs in the position of an inspector
7appointed under sub. (1) (b), the
vacancy shall be filled from the remaining names
8on the lists submitted under sub. (4) or from additional names submitted by the
9chairperson of the county party committee of the appropriate party under sub. (4)
10whenever names are submitted under sub. (4) (d). If the vacancy is due to candidacy,
11sickness or any other temporary cause, the appointment shall be a temporary
12appointment and effective only for the election at which the temporary vacancy
13occurs. The same qualifications that applied to original appointees shall be required
14of persons who fill vacancies, except that a vacancy may be filled in cases of
15emergency or because of time limitations by a person who resides in another
16aldermanic district or ward within the municipality, and if a municipal clerk or
17deputy clerk fills the vacancy, the clerk or deputy, but not more than a total of 2
18individuals in any municipality, may serve without regard to the clerk's or deputy's
19municipality of residence, if the clerk or deputy meets the other qualifications.
SB249, s. 83 20Section 83. 7.30 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB249,55,2521 7.30 (2) (c) The governing body of any municipality may require all persons
22serving as election officials to prove their ability to read and write English and to
23have a general knowledge of the election laws. Examinations may be given to prove
24the qualifications can be met. The municipal clerk shall coordinate all training
25procedures and requirements with the board.
SB249, s. 84
1Section 84. 7.30 (4) (b) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB249,56,52 7.30 (4) (b) (intro.) The 2 dominant parties, under sub. (2), are each responsible
3for submitting a list of names from which the all appointees to inspector positions,
4other than appointees to inspector positions required under sub. (1) (b),
shall be
SB249, s. 85 6Section 85. 7.30 (4) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB249,56,207 7.30 (4) (c) For Except with respect to inspectors who are appointed under sub.
8(1) (b), for
so long as nominees are made available by the political parties under this
9section, appointments may be made only from the lists of submitted nominees. If the
10lists are not submitted by November 30 of the year in which appointments are to be
11made, the board of election commissioners shall appoint, or the mayor, president or
12chairperson of a municipality shall nominate qualified persons whose names have
13not been submitted. If an insufficient number of nominees appears on the lists as
14of November 30, the board of election commissioners shall similarly appoint, or the
15mayor, president or chairperson shall similarly nominate sufficient individuals to fill
16the remaining vacancies. In addition, the mayor, president, or board chairperson of
17the municipality shall similarly nominate qualified persons to serve in the inspector
18positions required under sub. (1) (b).
Any appointment which is made due to the lack
19of availability of names submitted under par. (b) may be made without regard to
20party affiliation.
SB249, s. 86 21Section 86. 7.30 (6) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB249,57,822 7.30 (6) (b) Prior to the first election following the appointment of the
23inspectors, the municipal clerk shall appoint one of the inspectors at each polling
24place, other than the inspector who is appointed under sub. (1) (b), to serve as chief
25inspector. No person may serve as chief inspector at any election who is not certified

1by the board under s. 7.31 at the time of the election.
The chief inspector shall hold
2the position for the remainder of the term unless the inspector is removed by the clerk
3or the inspector ceases to be certified under s. 7.31, except that whenever. Whenever
4wards are combined or separated under s. 5.15 (6) (b), the municipal clerk shall
5appoint another inspector who is certified under s. 7.31 to serve as chief inspector at
6each polling place designated under s. 5.15 (6) (b). If a vacancy occurs in the position
7of chief inspector at any polling place, the municipal clerk shall appoint one of the
8other inspectors who is certified under s. 7.31 to fill the vacancy.
SB249, s. 87 9Section 87. 7.30 (6) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB249,57,1510 7.30 (6) (c) If any election official appointed under this section lacks the
11qualifications set forth in this section, fails to attend training sessions required
12under s. 7.15 (1) (e) unless excused therefrom, is guilty of neglecting his or her official
13duties or commits official misconduct, the municipal clerk or board of election
14commissioners shall summarily remove the official from office and the vacancy shall
15be filled under sub. (2) (b).
SB249, s. 88 16Section 88. 7.31 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB249,57,18 177.31 (title) Training and certification of chief inspectors election
18officials, special voting deputies, and special registration deputies
SB249, s. 89 19Section 89. 7.31 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 7.31 (1r) and amended to
SB249,58,221 7.31 (1r) The board shall, by rule, prescribe requirements for certification of
22individuals to serve as chief inspectors election officials at polling places in an
23election, to serve as special voting deputies under ss. 6.873 and 6.875 and to serve
24as special registration deputies under s. 6.26. The requirements shall include

1attendance at one or more training sessions produced and conducted by the board
2under this section.
The requirements shall not include taking an examination.
SB249, s. 90 3Section 90. 7.31 (1g) of the statutes is created to read:
SB249,58,74 7.31 (1g) The board shall produce and periodically reissue as necessary a video
5program for the purpose of training election officials, special voting deputies, and
6special registration deputies under s. 6.26. The board shall make the program
7available for viewing electronically through an Internet-based system.
SB249, s. 91 8Section 91. 7.31 (2) to (5) of the statutes are amended to read:
SB249,58,139 7.31 (2) No individual may serve as a chief inspector an election official at a
10polling place in an election, no person may serve as a special voting deputy under s.
116.873 or 6.875, and no individual may serve as a special registration deputy under
12s. 6.26
unless the individual is certified by the board to hold that office on at the date
13of the election
time at which the individual serves.
SB249,58,20 14(3) The board shall, upon application, issue certificates to qualified individuals
15who meet the requirements prescribed by the board to be certified as chief inspectors
16election officials at polling places in an election, to serve as special voting deputies
17under s. 6.873 or 6.875, or to serve as special registration deputies under s. 6.26. The
18requirements shall be structured to enable a qualified individual to be certified solely
19by viewing the current, applicable video program produced by the board under sub.
. Each certificate shall carry an expiration date.
SB249,59,2 21(4) The board shall require each individual to whom a certificate is issued
22under this section to meet requirements to maintain that certification. The
23requirements shall be structured to enable an individual to maintain his or her
24certificate solely by viewing the current, applicable video program produced by the

1board under sub. (1g).
The board shall renew the certificate of any individual who
2requests renewal and who meets the requirements prescribed under this subsection.
SB249,59,7 3(5) The board shall produce and conduct regular training programs to ensure
4that individuals who are certified by the board under this section are knowledgeable
5concerning their authority and responsibilities. The board shall pay all costs
6required to produce and conduct the training programs from the appropriation under
7s. 20.510 (1) (bm) or (x).
SB249, s. 92 8Section 92. 7.32 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB249,59,13 97.32 Change of election official numbers. Notwithstanding s. 7.30 (1), the
10governing body or board of election commissioners of any municipality may by
11resolution reduce the number of election officials and modify or rescind any similar
12previous action. No such action may reduce the number of officials at a polling place
13to less than 4 at the general election or at any other election to less than 3.
SB249, s. 93 14Section 93. 7.33 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB249,59,2015 7.33 (3) Every employer shall grant to each employee who is appointed to serve
16as an election official under s. 7.30 a leave of absence for the entire 24-hour period
17of each election day in which the official serves in his or her official capacity. An
18employee who serves as an election official shall provide his or her employer with at
19least 7 days' notice of application for a leave. The municipal clerk shall verify
20appointments upon request of any employer.
SB249, s. 94 21Section 94. 7.37 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB249,60,622 7.37 (2) Preserve order. The inspectors shall possess full authority to
23maintain order and to enforce obedience to their lawful commands during the
24election and the canvass of the votes. They shall permit only one person in a voting
25booth at a time and shall prevent any person from taking notice of how another

1person has voted, except when assistance is given under s. 6.82. They shall enforce
2s. 5.35 (5) and prevent electioneering from taking place in violation of s. 12.03 (1) or
. If any person refuses to obey the lawful commands of an inspector, or is disorderly
4in the presence or hearing of the inspectors, interrupts or disturbs the proceedings,
5they may order any law enforcement officer to remove the person from the voting
6area or to take the person into custody.